Utah Tech University

Donor Thank You Letter

Many of the Donors who contribute to Utah Tech University have asked to receive an acknowledgment letter from the recipient/s of their scholarship. In order to maintain the connection between donors and recipients, it is important that this request be honored in a timely manner.

Suggestions for writing a “Thank-you” letter:

  • Make it legible. Please avoid using text slang, as that is unprofessional in this context.
  • Spell the donor name correctly, as it appears on your award letter. In some instances scholarships are provided by a group (not an individual), or in behalf of a deceased relative, making words like Association, Memorial, Endowment or Foundation very important.
  • Your letter doesn’t need to be long. However, donors like to be thanked, and they want to know something about you personally as well as your educational goals. Three to four short paragraphs are adequate, and please send a small photo of yourself to Joni Hale at jhale@utahtech.edu. (When a donor can put a face with a name it personalizes the scholarship for them)
  • Please don’t say things like “now I don’t have to work” or “now I can quit my job” (comments to that affect). Donors like students who work hard, and they have commented that they don’t like hearing that their money is replacing part-time employment. They want to know that you are willing to work hard to be successful.
  • Please proof read and spell-check your letter for errors. As a University Student your letter should reflect your level of education.

Please complete the following form to make writing your letter easier. Each entry box will be a paragraph in your letter. When each entry is complete, press the ‘submit’ button and e-mail your photo to jhale@utahtech.edu, the office of financial aid/scholarships will then forward both to your donor.

Donor Thank You Letter Form